A Journey with Give Big Kern 2024

Kern County Cancer Foundation
May 7, 2024
Give Big Kern Finale 2024

How It Started and How It Ended: A Journey with Give Big Kern 2024

On April 17, 2024, Give Big Kern kicked off its annual event for non-profits, and our Kern County Cancer Foundation participated for the first time starting at Riverwalk Park, where hundreds of other nonprofits joined forces to raise funds for their respective missions and ending at Temblor on May 7, 2024.

As newcomers, we were filled with nervous excitement during our inaugural year. Little did we know that the results would b so remarkable.

Give Big Kern announced that the Kern County Cancer Foundation secured an impressive 3rd place! This achievement marked a significant milestone for our foundation.

The grand finale took place at Temblor, where raffles and monetary giveaways added to the celebratory atmosphere. Additionally, we had the privilege of being interviewed by 23 News. You can find the link to the interview here.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Kern County for your generous donations, which helped us secure third place, in this year’s 2024 Give Big Kern event.

Together, we raised an impressive $146,385! As a testament to our impact, KCCF received a $1,000 prize for being the nonprofit in the Health category that garnered the most donations by midnight on Give Big Kern Day (May 7).

Thank you for supporting our mission and making a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.

Make a Donation

Our program is dedicated to assisting Kern County residents who need financial assistance in obtaining treatment for cancer and associated diseases.


Kern County Cancer Foundation

In 2012, local oncologists and community members rallied together to start Kern County Cancer Foundation to eliminate the financial burden brought on by a cancer diagnosis.